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The "Main Objects" section in the Navigation menu is also available the set of Metadata (link pagina Wikipedia) functionalities.

Metadata are organized in the following categories:

  • Species : list of organisms and their IDs, subdivided into:
  • Material : list of materials or food matrices from which the sample was originally isolated and corresponding IDs.
  • Sampling Point : list of geographic places or coordinates of sampling and their IDs.

Metadata are vital to validate uploads.

Metadata have a hierarchy, which can be inspected in "Species Tree" and "Materials Tree".

EFSA standard coding

Sample metadata follow EFSA FOODEX2 specifications.

Pathogen Species

The Pathogen Species lists codes for pathogens in the platform's database. Available actions are the same as for table of samples.

Host Species

The Host Species table lists codes for all organisms whose reference genomes have been added as possible hosts in the platform. Available actions are the same as for table of samples.


The Material table lists codes corresponding to food matrices, surfaces and other physical or biological structure from which the sample was isolated. Available actions are the same as for table of samples.

Sampling Point

The Sampling Point table lists codes corresponding to places in which the sample was first isolated or the matrix from which it was isolated was first retrieved. Il punto prelievo comprende provincia, comune, eventuale indirizzo e struttura o ente. Available actions are the same as for table of samples.