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Manual upload

The Manual upload services are for submission of sequence files from the user's device to Cohesive, contingent upon prior compilation of metadata. Accepted sequence files belong to one of the following upload categories:

  • Fasta, for direct upload of fasta sequences;
  • Raw reads Illumina, to upload fastq raw reads from Illumina apparatus (short, paired-end reads);
  • Raw reads Iontorrent, to upload fastq raw reads from Iontorrent apparatus (long, single-end reads);
  • Raw reads Nanopore, to upload fastq raw reads from Nanopore apparatus (long, single-end reads).

Access to Manual upload can be granted only if valid metadata for the files to upload have been submitted in the Prepare upload section. Users will then be able to select the file type and the technology the reads were produced with (in case of raw reads), to finally choose the sequence file(s) or the .zip archive containing the files to upload (through drag-and-drop or by clicking to open a file explorer).

Users can also opt to automatically run a pipeline tailored to the specific sample type upon completion of the upload process.

Note: please look up the Prepare upload Wiki page for further details on how to submit files and prepare corresponding metadata.

The following video shows the available Manual upload functionalities. The common prerequisite is metadata submission.


Note: uploads may require some time for execution; closing the web browser tab will stop the upload process. Update of the Check upload page may also not be immediate. Users are notified of process completion through the integrated notification system.