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The Samples page is one of the system's main areas and is available in the Main Objects section of the Navigation menu.

"Samples" User Interface

The page's layout consists of a list of samples visible to the current user and related metadata, organized in an integrated interactive table (the table of samples). Please refer to the sample table manual page for an in-depth guide to the Samples page usage and to the table's functionalities.

Visibility of samples depends on the user's group and on active tags or Cart.

Table of samples

In the Samples page's table, the list can be filtered, samples can be added to the Cart and corresponding metadata can be displayed through the sample's card.

Clicking on a sample will open the detailed sample card. In the first part of the card are listed main metadata and information on analyses run on the samples. In the lower section there are all the relations of the selected samples with other databases, tags and aliases it's associated with. Some sections present quick-links (inline-icon).

The guide to sample cards is available at the extended table section of the manual. The video below demonstrates the actions that can be performed on samples:


Table functionalities for samples

Main objects organized in the system's tables (Aliases, Metadata and Exams), have export options accessible from the top ribbon. Samples can be managed as shown in the table management section.

Export functions are specific for each type of object: for samples, they are located in the context menu, together with the Cart, available only for samples.


Only samples can be added to the Cart. One or more selected samples can be added to the Cart using the corresponding button inline-icon. Actions available to update Cart contents are listed using the arrow on the right side of the button; they are: "Add to Cart", "Replace Cart" and "Remove from Cart".

Note: in order to add to the Cart, samples must be selected. Multi selection is active by default and can be turned on or off from the context menu option or using its key binding Ctrl+Shift+m. It is not possibile to add samples to the Cart if none have been selected.

The guide to the Cart and all its functions is available at the Cart Wiki page.

Context menu

The sample table's context menu allows for export of sample codes and reports.

Detailed guides are available in the following sections:

Note: export functionalities usually require to select samples of interest too. Any attempt at exporting without selecting any sample, will result in export of an empty table or failure.