Run analyses
The system's core functionalities include a simplified workflow to run analyses on desired samples, whose interface is shared with the download procedure.
The Run Analyses section is available in the side menu and offers options for running a desired analysis on a selection of samples, provided either as a collection currently in the cart or an active tag.
The Run Analyses functions can be reached quickly using the Run button
in the top bar (just right of the cart icon).
The following videotutorial will guide through the process of running a new analysis, showing the available options to specify the samples. Usage of the cart or of an active tag does not change the procedure: the only requirement is that the user activated a tag (to run an analysis with tag) or added samples to the cart (to run an analysis with samples in the cart).
Run analysis with cart or active tag
The run analysis process is organized in 3 steps: phase 1 (Samples) requires a list of samples to analyze; phase 2 (Tools) allows selection of the analysis; phase 3 (Inputs) enables selection of parameters and input file source.
Note 1: using the Cart as sample source will automatically activate the cart.
Note 2: the button in the upper-right corner allows selection of one or more RIS_CD codes, which univocally identify a specific result of an analysis run. Using the RIS_CD code for running new analyses allows easy access to a specific run's results and usage of older results of an analysis as inputs.
More information on RIS_CD codes are available in the "Export RIS_CD" section of this wiki.